If you are a European tourist you will need the complete vaccination certificate with the last shot at least 14 days before the trip, a negative PCR of fewer than 48 hours, or a COVID recovery certificate. Children under 12 are exempt.

If you are a tourist from the United Kingdom you will need the complete vaccination certificate with the last shot at least 14 days before the trip, a negative PCR of fewer than 48 hours. Children under 12 are exempt.

For the rest of the non-EU (European Union) tourists: only tourists with a complete vaccination certificate with the last shot will be allowed at least 14 days before the trip with one of the vaccines accepted by the European Medicines Agency. Children under 12 are exempt.

If you are a national tourist, you will not have any problem moving around the entire territory, but you have to bear in mind that you always have to carry a mask at hand, indoors it is mandatory. In addition, there may be specific restrictions depending on the town. The most common has to do with hospitality and curfews.